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Call (605)336-7071 to set up your appointment today!
The benefits of embryo transfer are well known. Valuable mares can produce multiple embryos in one season. Performance mares can continue competing and transfers can be done around their performance schedule. Fertility of older mares may be impaired, reducing the chances of getting in foal. Embryo transfer is often used to produce foals from these mares and allow the genetic potential of the mares to be continued. Mares unable to carry their own foals to term are also good candidates for embryo transfer.
Interstate Vet Clinic offers different options in our Embryo Transfer Program: you may bring your mare to our facility for management throughout the breeding and transfer process, or you may have your mare bred at another facility and bring her to our clinic for the flush and transfer, or you may have your mare bred and flushed at another facility and ship the embryo to us for transfer. We do not have an enrollment fee for any of these options. The mare owner pays for all breeding and flush costs as services are performed and final payment for the successful Embryo Transfer is paid when a pregnancy is verified.
One of the most critical elements of a successful embryo transfer procedure is synchronizing the cycles of the two mares—the donor (who provides the embryo) and the recipient (who carries the pregnancy to term). Recipient mares are provided by Interstate Vet Clinic and are leased to the owner at 35 days in foal, and are to be returned to us within 6 months of foaling. Board and care for the recipient mare are the responsibility of the owner after a 35 days.